Monday, January 26, 2009


I am finally free. For those who don't know why I haven't updated this blog in ages, I have been interviewing for jobs and preparing for a big test. Over the last month and a half I interviewed at 15 places in 15 different cities. In addition to that I had to study for and take the second portion of the United States Medical Licensing Exam. It was about as fun as it sounds. But today I took the 9 hour test and for the immediate future I am free as a bird. For those interested, these are the 15 places we are looking at going (in no particular order).

1. Lexington, Kentucky
2. San Antonio, Texas
3. Salt Lake City, Utah
4. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
5. Portland, Oregon
6. Tampa, Florida
7. Houston, Texas
8. Ann Arbor, Michigan
9. Cincinnati, Ohio
10. Memphis Tennessee
11. Columbia, Missouri
12. St. Louis, Missouri
13. Springfield, Illinois
14. Oakland, California
15. Phoenix, Arizona

Any suggestions? The next step is for us to come up with a rank list. I know what mine would look like, but we will have to see what Heather's list looks like and come up with a "master rank list".


Becky said...

Congrats on finishing up. I bet that is such a relief. And just in time for the new baby.

Since you don't have my favorite state of Georgia on your list, I will vote for Utah or Oklahoma or Texas cuz then the chances of us being able to see y'all will increase dramatically. (Assuming we move back to Texas.)

We can't wait to see where you go.

Heather said...

Your wife seems pretty smart. Maybe you should just let her do the rank list...

Em&Em said...

Congratulations!!! I am so glad you are done with those grueling interviews.

I think you know what my answer would be of where to go.

You guessed it, Utah. I am selfish I guess, but I miss you guys. :) I am sure wherever you go it will be the best decision for you and your family.

apmaynard said...

Of course, I would say Utah, because it is always nice to have you guys around. However, I am actually on vacation in Phoenix as we speak (Mesa actually) and I think this is a pretty great area that you would probably enjoy. Good luck!

Mandy said...

I say Utah & California should be on the list. I second what everyone else is saying. It would be nice to have you close! Good luck with the choice.